Each one of us would like to be much more successful or happier and healthier. I have myself had this great thirst for a better life, both personally as well as professionally. During the last two decades of my corporate career, I have gone through various training programs, coaching, mentoring etc. and now I am a Certified Coach myself. I have also experimented with many spiritual practices in the pursuit of self improvement and I follow an ancient spiritual practice as well.
Initially whenever I did something new to better myself, I was thoroughly enlightened and impressed with what I had learnt. However, soon enough, I found myself falling back into my old habits, behaving in the same manner as I had in the past...in fact it became worse because now I had identified/labeled the issues and therefore felt worse about not being able to correct myself, which in fact made me more unhappy than I originally was.
I realised that when a person understands the so called do's and don'ts in life, he/she starts 'judging' and 'condemning' the 'don'ts' such as anger, bad attitude, insecurity, fear, lack of confidence, greed etc. in himself as well as others, rather than 'practicing' the 'do's' better.
In last 3-4 years as a Leadership and Life Coach I have met many people who usually wonder why they are not getting any major result from the leadership, spiritual or other self-development work that they have been practicing.
For example do you think there is any pain area, which you are still not able to transform? Have you identified your inner areas of concern? You may like to do a quick check through the questions below...
- Do you have frequent conflicts with authority figures
- Will you do almost anything to avoid conflict?
- Do you feel guilty when you say no to someone?
- Are you often excessively critical of other people?
- Do you express anger or irritation in a way that you later regret?
- Do you mask your feelings to please your seniors at work?
- Do you experience roadblocks without which, you think you could be more successful?
- Do you need to be in control at all times & find it difficult to delegate?
- Do you carry unnecessary Anger/Worry/Fear/Guilt
- Do you usually have Feeling of emptiness & dissatisfaction?
- Do you procrastinate a lot? Do you have trouble finishing things?
Sometimes, we seem successful, rich and happy to outsiders…but the inner reality may be a little different !
I realised that my struggle with the outer world was a reflection of an 'inner unrest'. I was amazed to discover that my current patterns of beliefs and behaviour were cast when I was a mere child. I understood how unaddressed emotions of childhood like fear, anger, anxiety, loss and abandonment turn into adult issues of insecurity, anxiety, career roadblocks, broken relationships, lack of prosperity, lack of self-worth, mistrust, irritation and frustration.
The more I explored this, the more I realised that this is universally true for almost every one in the world!
Once we are able to identify the root cause of behaviour patterns and are able to heal them, we can operate from a joyful and creative space. We can then not only be more successful in our work (business/job/coaching), we can even meditate better and benefit much more from the spiritual practice that we do!
Yes we can fully integrate with our inner-self and be the person we have always wanted to be! We can then realise our true-potential and live our best life!
We were so moved with this life transforming work that we ourselves went through that we have started sharing this work with more and more people. We are delighted to share that inspired by the massive impact on our life, Yoshita and I conduct Inner-Transformation workshops every month in various parts of the country.

Life coaching
Avoid conflict
Anger or irritation
Personal Effectiveness
Ashwini Kumar Sharma
Founder ABrighterLife.in / Life and Leadership Coach
Ashwini is an accomplished professional with 20 years of successful corporate leadership experience in India, Thailand, UK and USA. Driven by his interest to support people from all walks of life achieve greater success.
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