The Social HR vendors emerging from India

Two years ago, I curated this list of Indian Enterprise 2.0 vendors and tools

Increasingly I am coming across a lot of specific Social HR tools and thought I'd curate some of them here. If you know of any more vendors like this, do let me know. 

The list is alphabetical in nature. 

  1. eMee -part of the Persistent Systems group, eMee is a product and services vendor providing gamification for employee onboarding, learning and engagement. Here's a review by HR/recruiting analyst John Sumser.
  2. Greenclouds - A social recruiting app that offers a social job listing and an online application form also.
  3. IDfy - Getting people to build credible online identities that they can use to apply for jobs. Freemium model. Helps organizations in background checks.
  4. MindTickle - A gamified social learning and onboarding platform.
  5. MyParichay - leverages social media to distribute jobs and create a career portal presence for employers on Facebook.
  6. RippleHire - A gamified social referral and recruiting platform.
  7. Triggero - Started off as a social recognition platform, now building in other features and becoming a full fledged social intranet offering
  8. Wisestep - A recruiting platform that leverages social media to distribute jobs and track and reward referrals too.
  9. Wiztango - A social learning platform. While the founders are of Indian origin and based out of India, they seem to have a sizable presence in India too.
  10. ZALP: A social media referral tool for recruitment


About the author

Gautam Ghosh

Employer Branding and Social HR consultant.


Gautam can help organizations in leveraging digital technologies for Employer Branding, Learning and Development and Collaboration. He also helps HR technology firms to reach her decision makers

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