Hybrid inverter - PV, grid, battery- exporting surplus and net metering policy

Hi, I am looking for high efficiency mass/ low cost manufacturable low capacity 0.5-5KW (1/3 phase) hybrid inverters: PV, grid, battery- exporting surplus energy into grid. I hope this has a big market potential now that net metering is finally active in many parts of India. Energy export from battery may have opposition and I want to hear from experts from states where they have allowed or objected. If allowed, is it APPC rate or higher. If objected, (one can charge at lower rate and export at higher), any reason and solution/option provided?

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Hybrid inverter

About the author

Navratan Katariya

Solar & Startup Specialist


27 years of rich techno managerial and International experience, more than half of which was in renewable energy

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