In this Article I am just talking about Corporate Recruiters (For sure next time something interesting for Consulting Recruiters).
Most of the time Corporate Recruiters keep facing challenges related to TWO major factors (It can be more, but in this article I am focusing only one these 2 issues):

1st Major Challenge: It's Turnaround Time to close the Hiring Request. It's factor which is directly related to Business. the more delayed in closing the hiring request, the more is business leakage. Due to this they always became under radar of Business Team, keep getting unbearable pressure (or something worst something). Now the major cause of this challenge is Finding right set of skills Most of the time, specially when you are searching Senior or High end Consultants or Experts, you are not able to find exact experts through job boards like Naukri and Monster, so you need to headhunt and this process takes time. But your business can't afford that much of time and as a result you are always find yourself under radar.

2nd Major Challenge: Now suppose through your exceptional efforts and spending many hours or days on searching and hunting you find a right fit candidate, then most of the time the issue arises is 'Budget allocated for that position'. Since when you are hunting a candidate you are not sure about the commercials which he is currently getting and what will be his or her minimum expectation. So again you start feeling that your efforts are going into fire. But at the same time it's also true that every organisation have a certain Budget for hiring process and you can't go beyond that after a certain limit.
To overcome at-least these 2 issues you need to start thinking in a much broader way. You need to come out from your conventional hiring zone where you are totally dependent on Naukri, Monster, LinkedIn or some other platform. (Don't forget Cost of Naukri, Mmonster and LinkedIn subscription is also a part of HR Budget). Today I am giving this opportunity to myself to introduce you with one more hiring platform which has:
- Global Reach
- Large pool of Industry Experts
- Which will cost you ZERO in the form of Subscription
- You need not to pay Recruitment Fee
- Best part with a commitment of maximum 72 Hours TAT to provide you Exact Fit Expert/Consultant with in your Budget.
You just need to Click this Link:, register your self as an 'USER' and post your requirement. Rest will be done by us.
I am sure you will like the concept which we are introducing and meet the expectation of your business.
For any Challenge or issues related to Hiring Process feel free to connect with me via email/skype:
Don't forget to Like and Share if you like my work. It will be a great motivation for me. Good Luck.
Corporate Recruiter
Challenges in Hiring
Head Hunting
Global Experts
Best Hiring Tool
Best online portal
Best online hiring portal
Nipun Sourishiya
Social HR Marketer | Hiring Experts for Smart City
India,New Delhi