The time when the cost of capital is essentially zero, the success or failure of a business is calculated more than ever by its leaders, specially the CEO and top Management.
It is calculated and widely accepted that leadership accounts for 30% of bottom-line performance—still most of the organizations believe that tap only half of their employees’ potential. After many researched and studies it is found that top teams deliver 22.8% more economic benefit in comparison with teams that are laggards. Some companies find even greater benefits.
Google says its best-managed teams deliver 38% more economic benefit than lagging teams do. When you roll up all the leadership issues, the 23 top-performing companies that we identified delivered more than three times the increase in wealth over the past seven years compared with the rest of the FT 500—a $337 increase on a $100 investment for the best performers versus a $111 increase for the rest. What these companies share in common is the ability to reduce time to value by building and changing momentum more quickly than competitors do. In other words, they accelerate.
The graphic below highlights eight mind-sets that differentiate the best from the rest. You are in danger if you exhibit the ones on the left and are likely moving in the right direction if your mind-set is described on the right.
Given below pictorial presentation of different mind sets differentiates the Best from the others. Believe you me that you are in danger if half of the left characteristics exhibited in your nature or personality:
best leader
best strategy
best boss
good leader
good boss
Personal Effectiveness
Nipun Sourishiya
Social HR Marketer | Hiring Experts for Smart City
India,New Delhi