I'm sitting in the very nice service waiting room of Fletcher Jones Imports in Las Vegas after driving in from San Diego overnight to meet with one of my mentee's who flew in from Ohio to dot the I's and cross the t's for a CFO position at one of the hottest new startups in #DTLV (downtown Las Vegas aka: Zapposland) and my poor Benz just had a complete electrical failure as I rolled down the 15 freeway at dawn. It's a tired baby and I've beat her up pretty good logging over 75,000 miles over the past 12 months between LA, Phoenix and Las Vegas or what I refer to as the "Silicon Triangle". This is probably around the 20th time I've driven up here for business in the past two years and those trips are increasing now to about once a month so I'm looking at office and living space in Las Vegas to avoid working in my car sitting outside a Starbucks, sleeping in it too and showering at truck stops for $10 and saving the hotel expense. Such has been the majority of my day to day existence for about the past 3 years.
The "full loop" is just over 1,000 miles of mostly divided highway across low and high desert spread out over about a 4,000 feet elevation range except for the stretch of US 93 from Kingman to Wickenberg, AZ which is a sports car owner's dream test track and one of my favorite places to wind out my supercharged C230K sports sedan. I enjoy driving and it gives me a chance to think about the myriad of projects I have underway at any given time.

I've participated in Startup Weekends in Phoenix, Las Vegas, LA and Orange County and managed to get a first place win in Phoenix as part of the Busted'DD team at the Thunderbird School of Global Management. I've met with over 100 startup founders and advised over 50 pre-seed startups, attended dozens of pitchfests and mentored and advised a half dozen of the brightest and best young entrepreneurs and two political office holders (one state level and one federal level). I've also been a cofounder of my own new startup in the rapidly emerging and competitive real estate crowdfunding space. All this while also managing my digital publishing and syndication firm and it's 40 publications now it it's 8th year as a bootstrapped startup with only me, myself and I as the sole author, editor and publisher.
My personal belongings and such have been spread out in several apartments, condos and storage units along the loop and I've rarely spent an entire week in one location now for a solid three years and I've let the due course of my business dictate my schedule and location but I've now made a decision to gather up all my stuff and head north and plant some overdue roots in Las Vegas after already doing 20+ years in LA and 10+ years in Phoenix. No clue yet where exactly in Las Vegas I'll plant myself but dollars to doughnuts I'll be found down in the Fremont East section downtown starting this week.
Smart Ups
global management
Co founder
Stephen G. Barr
Senior Advisor, Mentor, Author, Publisher, Angel Investor
United States,Los Angeles
Advisor to 62 startups over the past 5 years as listed on Angel List. Currently seeking advisory positions at startups. I can assist you with product development, fundraising, strategic alliances, setting up and administering an advisory board and more.
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